Meet Our Missionaries

David Collins

Though God placed overseas mission ministry on my heart as a child, I spent most of my adult years focussed on pastoral ministry in Australia. But in 2012, Wesleyan World Missions invited me to consider a role as National Director of Theological Education for the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Solomon Islands and Principal of Noro Training Centre.

So for these last 6 years, this training school has been both my home and base for ministry. This has allowed me to take a leading role in developing the physical and online infrastructure for this facility, plus team with learning communities (including over 100 students) intent on effectively fostering each other’s spiritual formation, as we equip and mobilize one another in the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom purposes for our lives.


Location: Noro, Western Province, Solomon Islands
Ministry: Theological Education, Facility Administration and Site Development
Vision: To make disciple-makers who make disciple-makers
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Prayer Needs

  • That I will get the chance to physically remain and personally flourish in Solomon Islands as our ministry here pursues developmental goals into a post-pandemic period.
  • That those joined to our learning communities will in fact learn and apply their learning within the outreach communities to which God sends them for the rest of their lives.
  • That our shared experience of the love of Christ may so complete us with his fullness of life and power that we come to the end of ourselves and witness only his glory (Ephesians 3:14-21).


My ongoing passion is spiritual leadership development; prayerfully and practically investing myself—by my very presence—in the lives of a select group of men and women; so I can patiently mentor and develop them into the kind of effective disciple-maker that I myself am also becoming, as a result of personally receiving that same ministry from others.