Meet Our Missionaries

Kathy & Mark Taber

We both grew up with a love for God and His Word, and a fascination for diverse peoples and cultures. So it is not surprising we felt inspired by the call to be Bible translators during our years in uni. After joining Wycliffe Bible Translators, we went to Indonesia and translated the New Testament into the Luang language (now on the YouVersion app).

Currently, Kathy serves as a Bible translation consultant ensuring that translations are accurate, clear and natural. She also mentors consultants-in-training.

Mark facilitates partnerships with churches and church planters and enables them to accomplish their Bible translation goals. Mark helps to initiate new Bible translation projects, while Kathy ensures they are completed well.


Location: South East Asia
Ministry: Bible Translation
Vision: For people from every language to understand God’s
Word and be transformed.

Prayer Needs

  • For God to inspire and call the last wave of workers to finish the remaining Bible translation task (less than 1400 languages left).
  • That God will give us wisdom and discernment, and make us fruitful for His kingdom as we carry out our ministry responsibilities.
  • For God to open doors for His Word to be translated among the remaining unreached people groups and that multiplying discipleship-making ministries will flourish among them for the glory of God.


Our joy is to see lives transformed when God speaks to people in their heart language. Here’s what one person shared with us:

My father, who taught me to pray, divorced my mother when I was an adolescent. I lost my ability to trust. I lost my self-esteem and I sank into depression. But one day I was asked to help translate the Bible into my own language. Through the process of translation, I realised that I had never truly believed in Jesus, but now I believed for real. As a result, I was able to forgive my father, regain my self-confidence and I found joy again.”