We had a great Elders retreat last weekend. There is a strong and healthy sense of unity within that group and I just want to say how much I love and value our church Elders.  These men and women are called to be our spiritual leaders, and I’ve seen them open wide to God teaching them more and more about how to live and lead according to that calling.

We prayed together, cried together, laughed together and dreamed bold vision together for you and the future of Hills. We’re still on that journey with God but there are some very clear and exciting future plans and purposes that we will begin to share and work on in conjunction with you – the church.

One thing we’re hearing clearly on is God’s call in John 15 to Abide in him. Abiding in Christ means a lot of things, but one overriding way to Abide is to pray, and so tonight we begin a new journey together as we commence our Wednesday night prayer service. This is the second weekly service of Hills Church and will be dominated by prayer.

To hear more about the purpose and structure of this service, please listen to this last message – especially the last 10 minutes. https://hillschurch.org.au/sermon/abide-in-me-part-2/

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

God Bless
Pastor Nathan