Hello Church

I was excited to hear that 8 people were in the English language class last night. There were people from Syria, Mynamar, South Korea, Thailand and Brazil. How exciting is it that we can reach out and meet the needs of people who have arrived in our community from all over the world. We’re not the only church serving our community in this way, I know of at least 3 other churches also supporting new arrivals to our neighbourhood. I love it! Please pray for Natalie and her team as they continue to help more and more people and to find the best way to support them.

When I see all the mum’s at the Tuesday playgroup (most from outside the church) and the families seeking professional counseling, the CAP clients, the full coffee shop on Friday’s, the seekers at Alpha on Sunday’s, the new arrivals at ESL class, I get excited. I get excited because we’re taking seriously our mission to plant seeds and make disciples. All of this is underpinned by our prayer. We believe God’s heart is for all people, and he especially has a heart for the lost (see pastor Steve’s sermon on Sunday) and so our heart is also for everyone in our city to know Jesus, and have a new life in Him.

Let’s keep serving. Let’s keep seeking. Let’s keep loving. Let’s keep reaching and embracing others. Most of all, let’s keep praying. All for God’s glory.

Pastor Nathan