I’ve been dwelling a lot about these two verses that we focused on in the message on Sunday:

2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. 3 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. – Colossians 3:2-3

This is a challenge to us in the culture we live in today. Compared to the vast majority of our history, the wealth in our time has increased significantly. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the lure of “the things of earth” has grown to be a powerful force in our lives.

As followers of Christ, we’re called to have our hearts and minds focused on the things of heaven i.e. The desires of our heart should be for more of Christ and all that He has called us to, for love and service of others, and to be passionate about God’s kingdom here on earth through the calling of the church.  If Christ is our Lord, it’s His desires and the things of God that should be the desire of our heart.

A challenge for you this week. Do the things of heaven excite you? Are you excited about being transformed more into the image of God and leaving your sinful ways behind? Does your heart desire to be used to show grace and mercy to others? Do you long for more lives to be saved, healed and restored? Are you passionate about the church as God’s purpose to bring His light into our dark world?

They are all challenging questions for me. I want to think more about the things of heaven and their eternal benefits than the things of earth. And here is the best bit. The things of heaven (a life devoted to God) are exceedingly more satisfying than the things of earth.

So what should we do? You have to start by consecrating yourself to the Lord. Submitting all to Him is no small thing but it’s something all Christians are called to do.  A life that is filled with devotion to God with eyes firmly fixed on Jesus is the answer. If there is more of Him in your life, there will ultimately be less of the things of this world.

Do something this week. Read more from the bible. Turn on your favourite worship track and sing to Him. Pray earnestly for God to transform you and pray for others. Show love to your family in a new way. Do something for someone less fortunate than you.

“And the things on earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace”.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday at 9am. Come prepared to turn your eyes to Jesus and to worship him for all that he has done.

God Bless

Pastor Nathan