Hello Church,
Last Sunday we talked about solitude. Deliberately setting aside time to be alone with God. You’ve probably been told to do that by pastors your whole life. There is a very good reason for this that you shouldn’t miss, because without time alone with God, you shouldn’t expect to see life transformation. It’s in those times of solitude where you put yourself at the feet of Jesus that you are giving Him the opportunity to bring transformation. When you don’t discipline yourself to be in the daily presence of Jesus, how do you get to know Him? How does he have the opportunity to guide you? When is there time to wrestle with your salvation? How do you hear from him if you don’t stop and listen?
We need to slow down and take time for loving union with God. If you don’t, don’t be surprised that you feel distant from him and have a lack of godliness. There is a price to pay when you speed through life without stopping for spiritual refreshment and communion with God. Jesus himself took regular times to get away. Sometimes briefly, sometimes longer. Most of the time it was by himself, other times it was with his closest friends. But whatever it looks like, it needs to be time away from the business of the day when you can be quiet, worship, pray, study the word, but most importantly listen to the God who loves you as his child.
I encourage you to give it a go. This week, put aside one hour. Start with some worship, read some scripture (John’s gospel is always a good place to start), write out some thoughts and some needs and begin to talk to God in a way you never have before. This regular practice can be powerful and life transforming.
God Bless,
Pastor Nathan